
Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Vermiculite is an old standby as an incubation media for reptile eggs, and with good reason. Vermiculite retains water, while slowly releasing it throughout the incubation process, providing your reptile eggs with valuable moisture while insuring they do not get overly saturated. Vermiculite is also sterile and inorganic, reducing the chances of fungal or mold growth. Vermiculite naturally has an alkaline pH that discourages fungal growth.

Monday, November 19, 2012


Step 1
Obtain your cuttings. Using a sharp knife, take each cutting from a new growth vine, and trim each end to leave about 12 to 18 inches of vine with five to six buds. The cuttings should be about as thick as a pencil.
Step 2
Prepare your soil. Whether you start your cuttings in your garden or in pots, your soil should be a good blend of peat and perlite. Ensure that the soil is deep enough to insert the cuttings deep enough to stand on their own. Your cuttings should be planted in indirect sunlight.
Step 3
Prepare your cutting with rooting hormone. Dip approximately 3 inches of the end of the cutting that was closest to the root of the original vine into the rooting hormone.
Step 4
Plant the cuttings. Insert the treated end of each cutting into the soil until it stands on its own. This is usually about half the length of the cutting. Press the soil lightly around the cuttings and water them in.
Step 5
Observe your cuttings over the next few weeks. The rooting hormone will stimulate the cuttings to "callus". This is the beginning of the root development process. As time goes on, roots will then form and the buds will send out shoots. Continue to keep the soil moist but do not over-water.
Step 6
Train the shoots on your grape vines. If you are propagating your cuttings in pots, you can now carefully transplant them. Use a mild fertilizer to encourage continued growth. Each cutting should develop a trunk by the end of the growing season.
Read more: How to Propagate Grape Vines | Garden Guides

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Vermiculite is a natural mineral that expands with the application of heat. Vermiculite is a very versatile mineral because of its thermal stability and inertness. It is safe and clean to handle, easy to use, lightweight, odourless, maould resistant, non irritant, non toxic, not harmful to the environment and also steril due to the high temperature to which it is subjected in production.
Commercial uses
Brake linings: finer grades of exfoliated vermiculite are being used in brake linings primarily for the automotive market The properties of vermiculite that make it an appropriate choice for use in brake linings include its thermal resistance, ease of addition to other raw materials achieve a homogenous mix and its shape and surface characteristics.
Roof and floor screeds and insulating concretes: exfoliated vermiculite (typically the finer grades) can be added at site to Portland cement and other aggregates, rheological aids and water to produce roof and floor concrete screeds or lightweight concrete which have the benefit of being lightweight and insulating. In many cases vermiculite based roof screeds are often used in conjunction with other insulation materials such as polystyrene board to form a total roofing system. A bituminous binder can also be used with exfoliated vermiculite can to produce a dry, lightweight roof screed which has the advantages of low thermal conductivity, low moisture content and ease of placement by pouring from the bag and then tamping.
Soilless growing media: exfoliated vermiculite is combined with other materials such as peat or composted pine bark compost to produce soilless growing media for the professional horticulturalist and for the home gardener. These mixes promote faster root growth and gives quick anchorage to young roots. The mixture helps retain air, plant food and moisture, releasing them as the plant requires them.
Seed germination: either used alone or mixed with soil or peat, vermiculite is used to germinate seeds. Very little watering is required. When vermiculite is used alone, seedlings should be fed with a weak fertilizer solution when the first true leaves appear.
As loose-fill insulation: Exfoliated vermiculite treated with a water repellent is used to fill the pores and cavities of masonry construction and hollow blockwork to enhance fire ratings (e.g. Underwriters Laboratories Wall and Partition designs), insulation and acoustic performance.Coarse grades of exfoliated vermiculite can be used to insulate lofts and attics. Exfoliated vermiculite has the benefit of being easy to use with application consisting of pouring the vermiculite between the joists and then leveling.
Refractory/Insulation gunning and castable mixes: exfoliated vermiculite can be combined with high alumina (also known as calcium aluminate) cements and other aggregates such as expanded shale, clay and slate to produce refractory/insulation concretes and mortars.
As a packing material
, valued for its high absorbency
As a substrate for various animals and/or incubation of eggs.
As a lightweight aggregate for plaster, proprietary concrete compounds, firestop mortar and cementitious spray fireproofing: Exfoliated vermiculite is used in both hand and spray applied general building plasters to improve coverage, ease of handling, adhesion to a wide variety of substrates, fire resistance, and resistance to chipping/cracking/shrinkage.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Video : Aplikasi IPILITE C-132 dan C133 Pada Atap Dak Beton Bangunan


IPILITE C-132 merupakan semen instan insulasi siap pakai yang berfungsi untuk meredam panas matahari pada dinding maupun atap dak beton bangunan baru dan lama.
Keunggulan dari IPILITE C-132 adalah :
Kemampuan untuk meredam panas yang ditimbulkan oleh sinar matahari.
Mempunyai daya rekat yang tinggi sehingga tidak memerlukan bonding agent lagi.
Mencegah keretakan dinding akibat penyusutan.
Ringan dan mempunyai thermal resistance yang baik.
Mudah diaplikasikan baik di interior maupun eksterior bangunan baru dan lama.
Sangat praktis karena pengaplikasiannya cukup menambahkan air.

Friday, February 3, 2012


IPILITE Slag Remover is an important slag coagulant in metallurgy cover on the surface of metal casting, foundry molten iron, steel and iron making in furnace or laddle. IPILITE Slag Remover is very simple operation. It spreads to cover the surface furnace metal casting or foundry after a few second and all the slag in furnace or foundry which riser to the surface also as heat insulating and slag removing materials for laddle, containing molten iron and steel.
For information please contact PT. IPI Sunijaya - Jakarta Indonesia phone: +62 21 5444291
Density : 950 +/- 15 kg/m3, Colour : Light Grey, Packing : 25 kg/bag, Content of free moisture : Max 0.5%, pH Value : 6.5 - 8.0, Thermal Conductivity : 0.035

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Cryogenic Insulation

Untuk aplikasi Cryogenic dengan suhu -100 derajat, biasanya digunakan tangki dengan dinding berlapis seperti pada tangki penyimpanan oksigen, Nitrogen dan LNG. Perlite Powder IPILITE A103 dengan density 48-60 kg/m3 banyak digunakan sebagai isolasi pada tangki cryogenic. PT. IPI Sunijaya memiliki keterampilan, mesin peralatan, serta pengalaman untuk pengerjaan pengisian perlite powder pada tangki cryogenic tersebut seperti LNG Tank, Ethylene Tank, Oxygen tank, Nitrogen tank dan cold box (oxygent plant).

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Perlite banyak digunakan dalam bidang hortikultural sebagai campuran media tanam. Perlite sangat baik sebagai campuran media tanam karena steril, tidak berbau, pH netral, memilliki kemampuan yang baik untuk menyimpan air, porositas yang baik,ringan, dan tidak disukai oleh serangga. Berbagai macam ukuran dari perlite dapat digunakan sebagai media tanam dari beberapa jenis tanaman. Pemilihan besarnya ukuran perlite tergantung dari kapasitas penyimpanan air dan porositas yang diinginkan.
Perlite juga dapat digunakan sebagai media hydroponic pada tanaman tomat, strawberry, bunga rose dan banyak lagi.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Perlite merupakan sejenis batuan vulkanik yang memiliki kandungan air yang relatif tinggi sehingga ketika dipanaskan pada suhu 850-900 derajat celcius akan mengembang 10-20 kali dari volume aslinya. Ciri fisik Perlite pada umumnya adalah berwarna putih. Memiliki kepadatan sekitar 1100kg/m3 pada perlite mentah sedangkan untuk perlite yang sudah dikembangkan memiliki kepadatan 30-180kg/m3. Perlite banyak digunakan dalam bidang sebagai berikut: Aplikasi pada bidang konstruksi : Isolasi suhu rendah pada cryogenic tank, ethylene tank, oxygent tank, nitrogen tank, amonia tank, cold box of oxygent plant, campuran pada produk beton ringan (lightweight concrete), dsb Aplikasi pada bidang hortikultural : Sebagai campuran pada media tanam, aplikasi landcaping, green house dsb. Aplikasi pada bidang Industri : Filter aid untuk water treatment, penyaring pada industri makanan/minuman dan industri chemical. Perlite banyak digunakan juga sebagai slag remover pada industri baja.
Chemical Analysis : SiO2 60-70% AI2O3 11.5-17% Fe2O3 0.5-1.0 CaO 0.2-1.5 K2O 3.5-5.5 Na2O 2.0-4.5 Temperature heat resistance -200 derajat celcius - 1000 derajat celcius Thermal conductivity 0.0365 Chemistry PH 7 Moisture Content Max 0.5%

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


PT. IPI SUNIJAYA was established to address the increasing demand for Perlite and Vermiculite based product, principally because of their versatility for use as fireproofing materials, Industrial usage and horticultural segments, previously these materials were primarily purchased from abroad.
The production of Perlite and Vermiculite is accomplished by a technology developed external to Indonesia. This process was brought to Indonesia and is employed and modified locally by us to meet Indonesian needs. Exclusive of the management of this specific process the reminder of our company's management and employees are trained, skilled Indonesian expert.
The main activities of PT. IPI SUNIJAYA are in the production of Perlite and Vermiculite Product to fulfill the needs of factories and buildings in Indonesia,thus reducing potential Foreign Trade Deficit, as well as increasing Domestic Industry with high international quality, this also gives faster delivery time and reduce price to make it affordable to the general public.