
Wednesday, January 18, 2012


PT. IPI SUNIJAYA was established to address the increasing demand for Perlite and Vermiculite based product, principally because of their versatility for use as fireproofing materials, Industrial usage and horticultural segments, previously these materials were primarily purchased from abroad.
The production of Perlite and Vermiculite is accomplished by a technology developed external to Indonesia. This process was brought to Indonesia and is employed and modified locally by us to meet Indonesian needs. Exclusive of the management of this specific process the reminder of our company's management and employees are trained, skilled Indonesian expert.
The main activities of PT. IPI SUNIJAYA are in the production of Perlite and Vermiculite Product to fulfill the needs of factories and buildings in Indonesia,thus reducing potential Foreign Trade Deficit, as well as increasing Domestic Industry with high international quality, this also gives faster delivery time and reduce price to make it affordable to the general public.

1 comment:

  1. Kepada Yth 008/NDL/BG/SURETY/2015
    Kontractor / Suplier
    Di Tempat.
    From: Nurdin Latif
    Contact : : 0812 9643 4171

    Perihal : Penawaran Bank Garansi Tanpa Agunan & Tanpa Buka Rekening

    Dengan Hormat,
    Kami dari PT. JASA MULYA ABADI, perusahaan kami telah resmi di tunjuk untuk memasarkan produk Surety Bond & Bank Garansi tanpa agunan, di mana Bank Garansi dan Asuransi yang kami tawarkan telah di terima di instansi Pemerintah maupun instansi Swasta.

    Untuk Bank BCA, BANK BII, BANK SinarMas, Bank BTN & BANK BNI bisa kami terbitkan untuk semua jaminan tanpa agunan ( Non Collateral ) Tanpa Buka Rekening.

    Demikian penawaran ini kami buat, atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami sampaikan terima kasih.
    Hormat kami
    Untuk konfirmasi lebih jelas bisa hubungi saya Nurdin Latif
    Contact : 0812 9643 4171
    Nurdin Latif
    021- 4260 719
